Transformice Maps

[tp not_in=”es,fr”]There are a lot, lot of maps from which you can choose to play in Transformice. The most interesting thing about maps is that any player can make and submit their own maps and submit them to the server to be played by anyone. To make a map, you must have 1000 gathered cheese and 40 shop cheese. The condition of 1000 cheeseĀ ensures that you have played the game enough before starting making maps. The cost of submitting a map into the server is 40 cheese, which I think restricts you from start making the maps like crazy.

How to Make Transformice Maps

Once you have 1000 gathered cheese, you can open menu>map editor to make your own map. You can choose the ground of your map, gravity, wind, collision- whether or not mice are physically present in the map and portals among many other items. Two things you must add in your map are cheese and mouse hole. There are tons of possibilities. Just try to make the map interesting and intuitive.


Once you have completed the map, you must validate it. Go to save/load/test and select validate the map. The map will be loaded. To validate the map, you must collect the cheese and then return to the mouse hole. After you get to the mouse hole with cheese, you will get confirmation message of validation of the map. Once all is done, you can press the export button to submit the map to the server. One thing must be noticed though, that players decide which maps stay on the server and which do not. An map liked by less than 50% players will be discarded from the server.[/tp]

[tp lang=”es” only=”y”]This is spanish[/tp]
[tp lang=”fr” only=”y”]This is French[/tp]


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